Paintings for PACU
Feb 27, 2020
Following comments from our Friends and Family Test, the staff at Northwick Park Hospital’s post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) decided to brighten up the areas for patients and their Visiting Relatives Room.
The PACU team used kind donations to their Unit to purchase a large number of colourful and radiant paintings. These have been placed in a number of rooms that are used by patients following their operations, to create a positive effect on patients and their wellbeing. Paintings have also been placed in other areas where relatives wait before they are allowed to see their loved ones.
Unit Administrator, Meena Gandhi, explained:
“Our patients arrive here from theatres, following their procedures. We have been aware that our rooms have no windows and have got a little dull.After receiving feedback from our Friends and Family Test, Perioperative Matron Pedro Silva, was determined to bring a little colour back to PACU for our patients.The attractive artwork is the first thing patients see, rather than plain walls!”
The paintings have been a huge success with patients, visitors and staff alike, and show the difference that every donation can make, however big or small.
Meena said:
“We have had lots of positive comments from patients, relatives and staff. The paintings have made the rooms seem brighter and more welcoming. We cannot thank our supporters enough for brightening the place up with these lovely pictures. Hopefully we can continue improving the environment for our patients in the near future.”
If you would like to support our PACU, theatres and surgical teams, then please donate today

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