May Hamilton goes the extra mile for charity.
May 18, 2021
Inspired by the care she recieved at Northwick Park Hospital, the gutsy pensioner is walking 49 miles to back LNWH Charity.
Eighty-one-year-old May Hamilton is gearing up to celebrate her upcoming birthday with unrivalled aplomb. The gutsy pensioner is ready to march 40 lengths of the UK’s longest pier to support LNWH Charity.
Over the last couple of years, May has received treatment at Northwick Park Hospital, St. Mark’s Hospital and Southend Hospital for few ailments. She is now walking the distance between these hospitals – 49 miles – to raise funds and help the associated charities extend key services at these hospitals.
At Northwick Park, May has been in awe of Dr Stuart Gould’s work ethic and swears his work has motivated her to regain fitness. May is no stranger to a challenge (or a pier), having earlier walked all the UK’s 54 piers with her late husband in aid of the British Lung Foundation.
May enjoys a bracing seaside walk and says: “I like to keep active, and this is my way of saying thank you to the hospitals who’ve done so much for me over the years.”
The challenge is no small undertaking as May was involved in a serious road accident two years ago and still wears a spinal brace and manages Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis along with some other health issues.
“I’ve got a few things wrong with me, but I never let that stop me from doing what I can to help others,” added the mother of one who abseiled down the side of Southend Hospital when she was 75 and goes to tango and tai chi classes to keep fit.
May begins her ‘Mind, Body, Soulathon’ on her birthday on June 1. She hopes to raise £3,000 through this wonderful effort.
We at LNWH Charity rely on the resolve, kindness and support of donors and patrons like May that allows us to extend healthcare across Brent, Ealing and Harrow and stand by the NHS at this uncertain time.

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