


Charity funding leads to Trust staff receiving sweet treat

Sep 27, 2022

LNWH Charity is helping Trust staff get a thank you cupcake, as part of SAFER September month and World Patient Safety Day, which took place on Saturday 17 September 2022.

SAFER September offers LNWH NHS Trust the opportunity to focus on providing patients with an even safer experience through the hospital sites at Central Middlesex, Ealing and Northwick Park.

World Patient Safety Day is a World Health Organisation Day, which calls for global solidarity and action aimed at improving patient safety.

Last year, the Safer September campaign was run for the first time, and repeating in September 2022, it has focused on reinforcing the SAFER principles of discharge:

  • Senior review before 10am
  • Add Expected Discharge Date (EDD) to ePRO. Review regularly to check if the patient is medically ready for discharge
  • Flow early – admit your first patients to your ward by 11:30am
  • Early discharge, supported by criteria-led discharge where possible. Identify Golden Patients who can safely be discharge by 11am.
  • Review stranded patients (people who have been in hospital for more than seven days) regularly with the whole multidisciplinary team.



LNWH Charity is helping Trust

James Biggin-Lamming, Transformation Director, LNWH NHS Trust, said:

“We’re extremely grateful to LNWH Charity for providing us with the funding for the cupcakes.

“The sweet offering is our way of showing appreciation to Trust staff for their hard work throughout the summer, highlight the SAFER principles, and to celebrate World Patient Safety Day.

“For us, this year’s SAFER September is about celebrating the great things our teams do every day, launching new initiatives to support flow, and hearing what could make the biggest difference for winter.”

Some of the Trust staff who received a cupcake, perform joint roles and also work at St Luke’s Hospice.

Sofia Sheikh, Head of Fundraising, LNWH Charity, commented:

“Improving patient care and the staff work experience and environment is the charity’s primary goal. We are delighted to support SAFER September and go above and beyond what the NHS could provide.”

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