Our most frequently asked questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions asked by LNWH staff members. Please have a look at the other pages in the ‘for LNWH Staff’ section however if you have a question that is not covered below or on other pages, please email lnwh-tr.charity@nhs.net or call 020 8869 3367.

With the exception of any funds restricted to a specific purpose, all funds will be reallocated to a general charitable fund. This means that you will no longer be limited by the amount of funds within your current fund, so you will be able to apply for more funds. This new process will also enable all staff to be able to apply for funding; making it a fairer process.

A restricted fund is a reserve fund that contains money that can only be used for a specific purpose. Only donors can restrict funds; Trust staff can not dictate restrictions. Any restrictions must be documented to ensure the needs of the donors are met. Restricted funds provide reassurance to donors that their contributions are used in a manner they have chosen (eg. The COVID 19 fund)

It’s easy to apply for funds; just visit the ‘for LNWH staff’ section on the website and you will find our application under ‘Apply for funding’. By having this process in place, the application for funds is fair and open to all staff to be able to ask for items that go above and beyond what the NHS can provide.  This also enables us to be able to seek funding from external sources to fund particular projects for you.

If you believe that your fund is restricted (the donor that had given you the money only wanted it spent in a particular way or department) then please let us know by emailing lnwh-tr.charity@nhs.net . You will need to provide evidence showing the donor has said that these funds can only be spent in this prescribed way.  On receipt of confirmation that the funds are restricted, we will ensure your fund is kept as a restricted fund.

Yes, please give Sofia Sheikh, Head of Fundraising please call on 020 8869 3367 or  07811 710208

Please visit the medical devices group intranet page which has information and process here; https://weare.lnwh.nhs.uk/medical-devices. Any problems, please see the help and advice section at the bottom of the intranet page.

Unfortunately we cannot fund staff parties because:

  • Funding staff parties does not meet our Charitable objectives
  • Funding staff parties is viewed as a benefit in kind and the individual organising the event would be liable to pay tax
  • We are required to justify to donors, how their donation is spent, and funding staff parties is not a justifiable measure
  • The Charitable Funds Committee have specifically agreed that the charity should not fund staff parties
  • Our Charity already funds Trust wide health and wellbeing initiatives

Advise them that you are unable to use donations for staff parties. Ask if they would like the donation to be used for something else to benefit staff, such as a microwave or furniture for your staff room.

Remember, all donations must be banked either through the Charity office or Cashier’s office, to enable us to claim Gift Aid, which increases the donation by 25%. The donation will be held securely for you or your department until you are ready to spend it.

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If you would like to know more about our work in your

community please fill in your details below:

By hitting 'Subscribe' I consent to receiving news from LNWH Charity (including Meadow House Hospice). I understand I can unsubscribe at any time but emailing LNWH-tr.charity@nhs.net. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.