Transformation appeal
We appreciate your support
The transformation appeal funds innovative projects that could help patients and staff by providing equipment or new processes. These initiatives need to be tried and tested, before being considered by LNWH Trust to continue funding.
This fund allows us to be bold and brave and find new ways of solving old problems.
Recent successful projects include:
- Reclining chairs in our discharge lounge, so patients are more comfortable while they wait to go home.
- Mobile medicine dispensing units, so patients can be given their medication by pharmacists on the wards, which means they can go home sooner.
- Psychological training for staff treating patients at high risk of developing cancer, so they are better supported.
- Training for staff so they have the confidence and knowledge they need to better care for patients with a stoma.
Some exciting future projects
- Patient medication counselling to ensure patients know why they are being given certain medication and how to take them correctly.
- Offering decaffeinated drinks to older patients to reduce the risk of them falling in hospital.
This process is governed by the Transformation team who ensure that your donation is spent on projects that truly transform the lives of patients and staff.
Donate today to help transform the lives of patients and staff.

Donate here
Our promise to you
We believe that fundraising must be ethical, honest and transparent at all times. Our Supporter Promise clearly outlines our guarantees to you when you choose to support LNWH Charity.
Our promise to you
We believe that fundraising must be ethical, honest and transparent at all times. Our Supporter Promise clearly outlines our guarantees to you when you choose to support LNWH Charity.
If you would like to know more about our work in your
community please fill in your details below:
If you would like to know more about our work in your
community please fill in your details below: